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Die Erwartung von jungen AllgemeinmedizinerInnen an die Einführung eines Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin in Österreich

Die JAMÖ hat im September 2019 eine Umfrage unter jungen AllgemeinmedizinerInnen, ÄrztInnen in Ausbildung und MedizinstudentInnen durchgeführt mit der Frage nach deren Einstellung zur Einführung eines Facharzttitels und der allgemeinen Qualität der Ausbildung für Allgemeinmedizin in Österreich. Die Ergebnisse wurden im Dezember 2020 bei der “European Conference of Family Doctors” präsentiert, welche pandemiebedingt als Online-Veranstaltung durchgeführt wurde. Im Folgenden findet sich ein kurzes Abstract.


Autoren: Brodnig R., Bertsch R., Pongracz J., Huter S.


The implementation of a specialist title for general practice in Austria has been discussed for a long time. Although there seems to be political intent to implement such a specialisation within the next few years, the impact on the existing training structure still remains unclear. Therefore this study was performed in order to investigate young general practitioner´s opinion about implementing a specialist title as well as their expectations towards a future training system for GPs in Austria.


A self-developed online questionnaire consisting of 19 questions about education and training was sent via email and social media to medical students, doctors in training and recently licensed general practitioners in Austria.


A total of 293 completed surveys was analyzed, including 21% students, 56% trainees and 23% licensed GPs. While 76 % of the respondents can imagine working in general medicine, a sufficient or rather sufficient level of quality in the current education was only stated by 32 %. Furthermore, all participants either totally (88 %) or rather (12 %) agreed that an improvement of quality in training would be necessary. According to the respondents, the implementation of a specialist title for general practitioners was seen as important or rather important for both themselves (71 %) and to enhance the profession (86 %). Whereas only few fully (11 %) or rather (24 %) wished for a prolongation of training time in hospitals, the majority of respondents fully (64 %) or rather (27 %) agreed with the need for a longer training time in GP´s offices.


This study can serve as a first insight into young GP´s attitudes towards training circumstances in Austira. There could be found a priorization for an increased training period in GP-offices rather than in hospitals. Moreover, a wish for quality improvement in GP´s training was detected. Following the results, the implementation of a specialist title for general medicine in Austria, combined with other measures, might be an appropriate way to enhance GP´s profession. However, due to design and recruitment process this study has potential limitations such as the lack of a survey-validation process or possible bias. Regarding recommendations on a future training system for GP´s in Austria that contributes to a quality increase, further research seems necessary.