It is my pleasure to contact you from the Technical Secretariat of the European and Mediterranean League against Thrombotic Diseases (EMLTD). Currently, we are in the middle of preparing the 26th Anniversary International Congress on Thrombosis 2019 to be held in Athens, Greece June 19-22, 2019. This year 50 years of EMLTD! In this edition, EMLTD celebrates their 50-year anniversary of scientific activities in the field of Thrombosis in Europe and in the Mediterranean countries and we couldn’t be more delight to celebrate this at the 26th Anniversary International Congress on Thrombosis 2019. The Congress of 2019 welcomes both clinicians and basic researchers for the high-level interdisciplinary exchange. We have created an outstanding program which includes outstanding keynote lectures, State-of-the-art Plenary sessions, meeting of experts, clinical workshops, sponsored Educational and Satellite symposia, short oral presentations and more. All with the purpose of creating opportunities to establish new collaborations, new ideas, an inspiration for researches and the increase of knowledge on Thromboses and other related diseases.
You may find more and updated information on the congress webpage: